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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kindness In Every Small Things

Last Thursday, I went out with two very dear friends right after work. Life and work have taken its toll on me this week (see my last posting "Bad Day In Office") and I was having a torrid time throughout the whole week. I even asked a colleague who also happens to be among my best buddy whether I was being pissy all the time and he replied in the affirmative. "Only this week, don't worry. It happens to the best of people, everyone has their moment." Well, try five days of being a prick and an ass to the people around you.

But consolation comes in small ways via small gestures of kindness and love. That dinner that I had on Thursday was one of them. It was dinner in good old-fashioned way, nothing spectacular and all. A meal that cost RM11.55 for three of us (yes, one for read that right) in KFC. It wasn't the price of the meal that mattered as much as the quality of it. You see, when we had that 'small' dinner together, I was touched by the simplicity of it. When I was a kid, KFC is the luxury food that you can only dreamed of once in a while. McDonald's or Pizza Hut is out of the question and KFC would be a treat once in a while, like when a group of cousins, uncles or aunts drop by and brought along a bucket of chicken for all to share. It wasn't much, you wouldn't feel full at all. But the fun or rather the good part of it was the sharing. And that meal brought comfort and warmth to my soul, reminding me that I have so much to be grateful for.

A small act of kindness is food for the soul indeed. It is the best fried chicken for those hearts that are sick. Thank you for being so kind to me. You know who you are.


  1. KFC that's where i want to be!!

    aih..the pix really make me hungry to the top.unfortunately, keningau's kfc under renovation since last month.cannot wait it to reopen..

    hehee..out of topic ba i comment this :P

    ba ash..have a nice day

  2. hehe...thanks sheila. Actually, I took the pic from the KFC parlour that we went to the other day. It was a nice pic, reminds us of the crisp and tender chicken.

    Hehe..when they finish renovating it, go and have a nice meal la,k?..hahaha..

    Have a nice day to you, Sheila. Thanks for dropping by :)
