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Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Worst Driver

It is official. Women are the worst drivers on the road in terms of etiquette and safety-wise. I am not only speaking through experience, but many of my 'girlfriends' also said the same thing. Now, before anyone jump the gun and shoot "sexist!", let me explain my reasoning.

I have seen many a woman who just 'cut the queue' without even bother looking left-right to see whether it's safe to make a turn. Hey, even a cat looks right and left before making their way off, but seriously, this is so unsafe man! What if I happened to be cruising at 100km/hr and have no time to pull my airbags? Some bones might be broken, and most likely it will be mine, cause I don't drink milk that much.

They are also the worst drivers in terms of etiquette on the road. I mean, it wouldn't kill you to just wave a little as a token of appreciation to the kind-hearted person, who so kindly taking the risk of being honked at, just so you can go on your way, would it? Pfeh! In Penang, if you don't prey, you better pray! It's just kinda spoiled the goodwill, when she, with her high and mighty nose, just turn away and drove off, just like a cat that is uninterested with the fish in front of it. I know, I know...your mum says "It's okay, good to others and don't expect anything in return", but those were like ages ago, right?

Then, there are those who need to send their car to the workshop for repairs. Every time they want to change lanes, they can't seemed to switch on their signal lights, just so that those poor motorists would yell "Oi! Lampu rosak ka!?". We know girls usually don't take good care of their cars, but perhaps they should at least check the lights? Who knows, maybe they'll need it when the roadside lamp post breaks down?

Then, there are those types who just think that they own the road. It's like they have a sign in front of their windshield mirror, "Get outta my grandfathers road, you moron!"...How else can you explain why some of them are playing snakes and ladders on the road? When the road is already jammed, the make it even jammer by jamming their cars into the jammed areas, which causes everyone to be jammed.

Now all the examples above are sometimes perpetrated by guys as well, but from the survey that I made, through experience and Q&A, women are undisputedly the queens of the road. Ladies are rude and reckless on the road more than their opposite sex.

It is just me, or do we just suddenly turn from angels to demons when we get behind the wheels? Hmmm...I'd better get that signal lights checked, just in case.


  1. kekkekee...marah ka geng?

    anyway...not to blame anyone's just the and woman :P

    p/s: i'm phobia with motorist..heh

  2. Hehehe...nda bah...lama suda bah tu terpendam perasaan..kekeke..time sa tulis ni post, ngam2 balik keja bah tu..tiba2 ni ada satu lady selamba putung jalan,nasib ja sa inda langgar dia. Tapi kan, generally in penang la, memamng betul bah women drivers dia rude. Di Sabah nda tau la,kekeke...

  3. for your record, I AM A VERY GOOD DRIVER.

  4. Hehe...jgn terasa bah Vera. Some memang la campin..others...hmmm..generally, mimang nda bertimbang rasa bah..especially in Penang.
