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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life Or Something Like It

This is my first 'official' post for this blog, and what better way to start than to reflect on the most important thing in the world? Life. Aye, THE word that has been overplayed, overused, underrated and manipulated by all and asunder. Most people would start by narrating that their life sucks big time, and quote the sage's wisdom from Confucius to Barack Obama on how to achieve balance in their life, to create "change that we could believe in", to quote the new American president's famous words.

See, I believe that like me, most people just don't realize how lucky they are. Take for instance, my job. It's a mundane day-to-day job, same-old-same-old thing that might become a tad-bit too easy for me. I literally have to drag myself out of bed every morning and have a F1 moment speeding and beating traffic lights just to reach the office on time. I have no problems paying my bills, and occasionally have some 'happy hours' time with friends or having that good meal once a month. The pay isn't really big, but more than enough. And job security-wise, I am quite safe, I guess. but of course everybody wish they will have more. But just look around you. Some people are losing their jobs, others forced to take leave which they don't want to take. A reason to be thankful...

My life lately is like a boat on the sea. I am being pushed from side-to-side, and I feel empty inside. I hate evenings, coz it reminds me of all the good memories that I have experienced, and it made me sad. Huh? Good memories that made you sad? Unfortunately yes, such a thing do exists in my world and there's nothing worse than standing inside your own world as the lights go dim and being all alone. Worse still when you can't do anything about it. I feel like screaming, but lest my feelings betrayed me, I tried to keep it inside. Ever tried that for therapy?

Before I am being accused of being a whiner and immature for crying like a baby deep inside, let me just put this straight. I love my life the way it is. My journey is far from perfect, the road that lies ahead are full of potholes and no doubt, more hurt will be waiting. But I am trying to stand up like a man, take it on the chin and get up again. I am thankful for the memories, gosh I miss all of them. I have been blessed by God with wonderful persons around me, along my journey. But yes, I am still hurting and boy, it hurts like hell. It hurts even more at night and the morning just keeps reminding me of that pain again and again. What I have learned from this is, no matter how 'lucky' you feel you are, life is going to be there to slap you in the face and give you a harsh lesson, and if you are unprepared to get up, life ends there for you.

Oh what the hell...!!! Now where's that Dunhill of mine..?